On 27th June 2012 Rungwe PBF Pilot
Project organized one day meeting for Council Health Service Board. The aim of
the meeting was basically to orient the members on Performance Based Financing (PBF)
as one of the health Financing model and secondly to update them on Rungwe PBF
Pilot Project.
Moreover, It is worth noting that; Council Health
Service Board is the highest Organ in the District responsible for all health
matters. Besides, they are the right
people responsible for effecting change at District level on health.
As a recap, the Zonal PBF Coordinator made a presentation
divided into two main parts. The first part was on: PBF as a Concept then expanded to Rungwe PBF
Pilot Project- Project objectives; Project expected results, project
stakeholders, and PBF Principles in general.
The second part was on the project implementation,
what has been achieved so far, what were the challenges faced the project which
so to say was a feedback.
These presentations led to very active discussions
which were quite useful and as a response from the Board members. Mainly they
are focused on these main issues.
The issue of maintaining quality of products/
medical supplies when you have many suppliers, how to move the decision makers
so that they adopt PBF as one of the health financing model as other countries
in the PBF network, the need for designing the PBF Project Proposal which will incorporate
all the Health facilities in Rungwe District- as the Pilot focus more on the
Faith Based Health Facilities. Other important
matters raised in the discussion were to mobilize the church Leaders to educate
their church members to join Community Health Fund (CHF). Currently, only
Government health facilities are responsible for treating Community Health Fund
Members, a situation which several times have made the community members to
demand establishing Government health facilities along the Faith Based
Organization Health Facilities.
Generally, the meeting was a success in this sense.
It enabled the board members to understand basic concepts regarding PBF and
they appreciated Performance Based Financing (PBF) as the best model to solve
many health issues facing the Local Governments and one of which
is performance and staff motivation. Secondly, they have come up with
ways to improve health facilities under the Faith Based Organization by
sensitizing their members to join Community Health Fund and thus do away with
out of pocket payment for accessing health Care.