Friday, June 8, 2012

Church Leaders meeting on Rungwe Performance Based Financing (PBF) Pilot Project

Last week on 29th May 2012, Rungwe PBF Pilot Project organized one day meeting for church leaders in Rungwe District specifically those who own health facilities.  Two presentations were made by Zonal PBF Coordinator on Updates of Rungwe PBF Pilot Project and the second one was on Tanzania Human Resource Project (THRP) by Acting Zonal Secretary. The meeting was held at Catholic Youth Centre in Tukuyu township, and 19 members attended who are: The key officers and the heads of departments.
Moreover, the meeting had these objectives:
- Church leaders understand Rungwe PBF Pilot Project
-  Church Leaders updated on Project progress and challenges
-  Finding ways of applying some PBF principles in other Sectors in the church apart from health
- Church leaders understand Tanzania Human Resource Project, its progress and challenges
After all the presentations, the members gave number of comments, but generally were stirred by Performance Based Financing Approach. They indicated that  the approach if well applied in the church will lead to better results and relieve the church from various cost incurred due to business as usual ways of doing things.
However, after the meeting, the members came up with recommendations and way forward. These are:
-  Church leaders further discuss ways of applying some of the principles of Performance based Financing in various institutions,
-  Introduction of performance assessment for the staff in the church, which could also be two way traffic,
- Church to have business plans which would enable them to be more focused in her mission/ Ministry.
- Investment in the Information Technology and consider as a key element in the church organizations to cope with development in the digital age.
This meeting is considered as advocacy platform for church leaders to discuss ways of improving their organizations, which are faced by issues related to performance. Additionally, it is worth expressing that the church leaders considered PBF as one of the instrument to introduce change in church institutions for the benefit of the people they serve. They frankly pointed out challenges for introducing change in the organizational set up, but were positive that with time and commitment they will succeed, and that is really encouraging! Therefore, the meeting was successful. See the group photo during  the meeting.

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